We went to an Americanized pizza place to start off with (ooooh man... I had spaghetti and I couldn't have been happier eating real food). Hahah and this was their sign for the bathroom. Apparently doing your business is a very technical matter in Zhouhai. :P
After lunch we stopped off in a park and saw the most fantastic toy ever... it's basically a hampster wheel for humans that floats on water. Michael, Seantay, Mary Beseme, and I decided to try it and it was really fun, and more difficult than it looks (one person goes down and it knocks everyone else down too and it's really hard to get back up.) The last pic is just of the little pond that the bubble thing was on.
After kicks and giggles there we went and saw the famous Fishing Lady statue of Zhouhai.
Then off to another park to tame some tigers....
On our way back we passed the ....
But decided to forgo on account of time :D
And that was our Zhouhai trip!
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